What is Better Refunds, and what services does it provide?


We specialize in maximizing reimbursements for Amazon sellers for issues such as lost or damaged inventory, FBA overcharges, and other discrepancies that may have resulted in overcharges by Amazon. Better Refunds developed a top-notch industry-leading program that offers a comprehensive scanning of every detail of your Amazon Seller Account and identifies what you may be eligible for reimbursement. Then, our agents will open a case on your behalf and make sure that Amazon processes full reimbursement to your account.

Why do I need this service?

Amazon makes mistakes every day; you should not pay for them. For instance, Amazon may have lost or damaged your inventory while it was in their warehouses, or they may have charged you more than the actual shipping fees. In such cases, you are entitled to receive a refund from Amazon, and Better Refunds can help you with this process. By securing refunds for you, Better Refunds helps you recover the money that you are rightfully owed, and this can help boost your profitability as an Amazon seller.

How does Better Refunds work?


There are following steps involved in the whole Amazon refund management process.

    1. Comprehensive research

        Refund Pro has a world-leading app that does the extensive scanning of your inventory, orders, and product cycles. After that, we find the money that Amazon owes you.

      1. Claim

          Once Better Refunds has identified these issues, they will submit a claim to Amazon on your behalf and show Amazon that you are owed a refund. It all comes to your case manager, who will submit the necessary claims to Amazon and follow up to ensure that the reimbursement is processed promptly.

          1. Get paid!

              Amazon will process the reimbursements directly to your Amazon account; Some reimbursements will be processed within a few minutes!

            How many categories do you provide to Amazon Sells?


            We cover more than twenty reimbursement categories. Here are some of them:

            • Lost Units
            • Under-Valued Reimbursement
            • Refunds
            • Incorrect FBA Fees
            • Replacements
            • Returns
            • Wrong Unit Returned
            • Damage Inventory damaged during FC transfer

            Is my Amazon Seller Account at risk by using your services?


            Better Refunds takes the security of your account information very seriously. We use the highest level of encryption to ensure your information is protected and secure. Additionally, Better Refunds has a strict privacy policy that ensures your data is never shared with any third parties without your consent. Our app was audited and approved by the Amazon Partner Network team.
            Our website and app are encrypted and have SSL certifications.

            How do you deal with reimbursement case management?

            The process of handling reimbursement case management with Better Refunds is straightforward and hassle-free. You simply need to sign up for our app and provide us with access to your Amazon Seller Central account. Then, every case we open will be shown on the app anytime, anywhere.
            We have a team of highly qualified professionals to handle your cases; we will be happy to answer any questions in any case.

            Do you have an automated Claim submission process?


            No. By Amazon’s policy, automating cases is prohibited. Better Refunds prioritizes the quality and accuracy of claims, and we have experienced case managers who file claims on behalf of our clients. Our case managers have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that claims are filed accurately and include all the necessary information to maximize the chances of securing reimbursement.

            What makes you different from other companies?


            • Better Refunds offers the vastest reimbursement categories in the market. We are continuing to research more categories and add them to our portfolio.
            • We follow up on every case to maximize the potential of every case we open.
            • Better Refunds is 100% compliant with Amazon ToS and keeps track of the changes to Amazon’s reimbursement policies.
            • Finally, there are no hidden fees or upfront costs. Better Refunds only charges a commission on successful claims, making our services accessible and affordable to Amazon sellers of all sizes.

            How do you deal with lost units?


            There are three different methods to find lost units. Other reimbursement companies will use the easiest method and leave many lost units behind. We work harder to find EVERY missing unit. Once Better Refunds has identified any eligible lost units, our case managers will submit a claim to Amazon on behalf of the clients to secure the reimbursement. This reimbursement can cover the value of the lost unit, as well as any FBA fees associated with that unit.

            Do you cover undervalued Reimbursement?


            Yes, Better Refunds covers undervalued reimbursements for Amazon sellers. Undervalued reimbursements can occur when Amazon fails to reimburse sellers for the full amount they are entitled to. We figure out the discrepancy in reimbursement amounts and ensure that you receive the full amount they are entitled to.

            How do you resolve an Incorrect FBA fee?


            If you have an incorrect FBA fee, Better Refunds can help you resolve the issue. When the incorrect fee is due to an issue with the product dimensions, Better Refunds will request Amazon to obtain the correct measurements. This can help ensure that the FBA fee reflects the true dimensions of the product. With our help, you can quickly resolve any incorrect FBA fee issues by receiving reimbursement and for correct future fees

            How do you resolve the issue of unit return to the FBA warehouse?


            When a claim is submitted, Better Refunds will provide all the necessary documentation and information to support your claim, including details about the units that were returned and any associated fees that you may be eligible for. We continuously follow up with Amazon to ensure that your claim is processed swiftly and that you receive the correct reimbursement for the issue.

            How do you tackle the Units damaged at the FBA warehouse during shipment?


            If any of your units are damaged while in transit to or from an FBA warehouse, our team will immediately notify you and file a claim with Amazon on your behalf. We make sure that we receive the correct amount of reimbursement for the damages.

            Do you claim reimbursement when no unit is returned?


            Yes, Better Refunds can file a claim with Amazon for reimbursement even if no unit is returned. If a customer contacts Amazon and claims that they did not receive an item or that an item was damaged or defective, Amazon will often issue a refund to the customer. However, in some cases, the customer may receive the item and keep it without notifying Amazon. This will result in a loss for the seller but no reimbursement from Amazon. Better Refunds detects these issues and files a claim with Amazon on your behalf.

            Where are you currently operating?


            Better Refunds is currently operating in all FBA Marketplaces.

            How much does your service cost?


            Better Refunds charges a success fee. This fee is a percentage of the reimbursements we recover.

            There are no monthly fees, and you can cancel at any time.

            How is your service different from reimbursement software?


            Reimbursement software tools typically automate the process of submitting claims, which is not in compliance with Amazon’s Terms of Service. In addition, the software can slip inaccurate claims in the process, which again is not compliant with Amazon, and your account may be at risk.

            At Better Refunds, each claim is handled manually, and our process is 100% compliant with Amazon’s ToS. On top of this, our service offers much more than just submitting claims. We have an entire process designed to maximize reimbursements and create win-win scenarios, unlike software tools that are subscription/fixed-fee based and aren’t designed to win claims for you.

            How long does it take for Better Refunds to process my claims?


            The time it takes us to identify and claim your refunds depends on the number of refunds you're entitled to and the complexity of your case. But typically, for some reimbursement scenarios, the reimbursements will appear on your account the same day we submit a claim. For other scenarios, it takes a couple of days. Our team will work as quickly and efficiently as possible to get you the refunds you deserve, and we will notify you through the dashboard as soon as a claim has been identified or processed. At Better Refunds, we will insist on some reimbursement attempts, even if it takes a couple of months, because we are confident, we can recover those funds for you.

            What is your success rate?


            At Better Refunds, we recover reimbursements for the majority of our clients with an average success rate of more than 92%.

            What if I have more than one Amazon seller account?


            Better Refunds can handle multiple Amazon seller accounts, and you can manage them all from a single account on our platform.

            How long does it take to set up Better Refunds?


            Setting up Better Refunds is a quick and easy process that can be completed in just a few minutes. Once you sign up, you'll be able to connect your Amazon account and we'll be able to scan for claims right away.